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Important Dates
1. Until 30th September 2020 – the deadline for registration. NEW! Until 13th November 2020 – the deadline for registration for Only Participant.
2. Until 7th October 2020 – confirmation of acceptance by the organizers. NEW! Until 16th October 2020 – confirmation of acceptance by the organizers.
3. Until 10th November 2020 – the deadline for sending posters to the following e-mail: iccecip
bgk [dot] uni-obuda [dot] hu
4. Until 15th December 2020 – the deadline for sending texts of post-conference articles with the declaration to the following e-mail: iccecip
bgk [dot] uni-obuda [dot] hu
5. 16-17 November 2020 – ICCECIP 2020, 2nd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection 2020