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Conference Program


Monday (16. November)
08:30 - 09:00 Registration 
09:00 - 09:10 Opening Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai
Dean of Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Óbuda University,
Cyber Coordinator of Hungary Ministry of Interior, Hungary
Plenary lectures
Chairs: Ing. Tünde Anna Kovács, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
  Ing. Igor Fürstner, PhD., Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences, Serbia
09:10 - 09:35  Prof. Ján Dusza, DrSc., PROMATECH Institute of Materials Research of SAS, Slovakia
  Development and Characterization of High - Entropy Carbides
09:35 - 10:00  Prof. Petrica Vizureanu, PhD., Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
  In-Depth Assessment of New Ti-Mo Based Alloys for Medical Application
10:00 - 10:25  Ing. Dalibor Dobrilovic, PhD., University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin, Serbia
  Overview of IoT Systems Security Threats and Protection
10:25 - 10:50  Ing. Tamás Berek, PhD., National University of Public Service, Hungary
  The Need for Climate Adaptation and Its Possibilities in the Energy Sector
10:50 - 11:00 Technical break
Section 1. Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure I.
Chair: Ing. Zoltán Nyikes, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
11:00 - 11:15 Prof. Zdenek Dvořák, PhD.Nikola Chovančíková, University of Zilina, Slovakia
  Safety Indicators as a Basis for Increasing the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
11:15 - 11:30 Ing. Yuriy Klyuchka, PhD., National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Ukraine
  Estimation of the Wooden Products Cooling Rate Under Fire Conditions
11:30 - 11:45 Ing. Kostiantyn Afanasenko, PhD., National university of civil defence of Ukraine, Ukraine
  Manufacturing Entities Flare Systems Fire Hazard Analysis
11:45 - 12:00 Malak Shatnawi, Óbuda University, Hungary
  The Optimal Use of Renewable Energy and Its Impact on Local Sustainability Case Study Jordan
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
Section 2. Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure II.
Chair: Ing. Tamás Berek, PhD., National University of Public Service, Hungary
13:00 - 13:15 Ing. Michal Szatmári, University of Žilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Slovakia
  Comparison of selected concepts of railway station protection
13:15 - 13:30 Ing. Abdallah Kafi, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Collaborative robots in the defense industry
13:30 - 13:45 Ing. Daria Doroshenko, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, Ukrane
  Analysis of the Explosions Consequences and Conditions of Formation of Gas-Air Mixtures in Residential Buildings
13:45 - 14:00 Péter Huszár, National University of Public Service, Hungary
  Countering Drones
14:00 - 14:10 Technical break
Section 3. Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure I.
Chair: Ing. Sándor Magyar, PhD., National University of Public Service, Hungary
14:10- 14:25 Döníz Borsos, Óbuda University, Hungary
  LoRaWAN Solutions in the Covid-19 Aspect
14:25 - 14:40 dr. Gergő Gyebnár, Black Cell Ltd, Hungary
  Industrial Threat Intelligence
14:40 - 14:55 Haya Altaleb, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Risk Assessments Methods and Cyber Vulnerabilities in SCADA Systems
14:55 - 15:10 Haya Altaleb, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Systems Reliability
15:10 - 15:20 Technical break
Section 4. Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure II.
Chair: Ing. Katalin Szenes, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
15:20 - 15:35 Ing. András Tóth, PhD., University of Public Service, Hungary
  IoT Threats and Vulnerabilities in Critical Information Infrastructures
15:35 - 15:50 Ing. Barnabás Sándor, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Cybersecurity Analysis of a Smart Home
15:50 - 16:05 Tureczki Bence, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Supporting Corporate Governance on Blockchain Basis
16:05 - 16:20 Viktor Huszár, University of Public Service, Hungary
  Cyber Warfare Application Possibilities of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Closing of the First Day of the Conference
16:20 - 16:30 Ing. Igor Fürstner, PhD., Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences, Serbia
Tuesday (17. November)
Plenary lectures
Chairs: Prof. Jeffrey Kaplan, PhD., University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA
  János Besenyő, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
09:00 - 09:25 Robert C. Castel, PhD, Israel National Parks Authority, Israel
  Wildlife Weaponized: What Makes Zoos the Ideal Tar
09:25 - 09:50 Prof. Jeffrey Kaplan, PhD., University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA
  Threats to Critical Infrastucture and Counterterrorism Responses
09:50 - 10:15 János Besenyő, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
  Changing Face of Terror in the XXI. Century: Terror Attacks Against African Health Facilities
10:15 - 10:25 Technical break
Section 5. Individual and Political Security of Critical Infrastructure
Chair: János Besenyő, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary
10:25 - 10:40 Ing. Chiara Bedon, PhD. University of Triest, Italy
  Transparent Materials and New Design Strategies in the Covid-19 Era
10:40 - 10:55 Ágnes Kemendi, Óbuda University, Hungary
  E-commerce in
10:55 - 11:10 Judit Rauscher, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Evacuation Strategy Planning – Special Requirements for Healthcare
11:10 - 11:25 Béla Szilágyi, PhD. Hungarian Baptist Aid, Hungary
  Refugee camp: a tool for dignity and security
11:25 - 11:40 Gábor Sinko, Óbuda University, Hungary
  Shifting the Battle to Social Media: The Effectiveness of Boko Haram’s Online Strategy in Terms of Its Recruitment
ICCECIP 2020 Closing Ceremony
11:40 - 11:50 Ing. Tünde Anna Kovács, PhD., Óbuda University, Hungary