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Dalibor Dobrilović

Dalibor Dobrilović

University of Novi Sad / Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin

ddobriloattfzr [dot] rs


Dalibor Dobrilović is associated professor at Information Technology department at University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, Zrenjanin. He has received his PhD in Information technology in 2012. His teaching areas are in the field of Computer Networking, Communication systems and Data and computer systems security. His research interests are in the area of Wireless communications, Wireless sensor networks, IoT, Smart cities, Engineering education, etc.


Overview of IoT systems security threats and protection




In the modern times we are witnesses of the rapid growth of ICT technologies and their rapid appliance in the variety of systems. With the extended usage and expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Infrastructure systems (smart cities, smart home, smart building, etc.) the number of connected devices becomes bigger each day, and according to the various estimations it will reach billions of devices in the upcoming decade. Together with the growth of the connected devices, the global potential security threats grow as well. The increase of the number of connected devices increases the number of potential targets for malicious cyber attacks. Considering the variety of devices deployed in the IoT and smart infrastructure systems it is very important to keep the awareness of most common attacks to those systems, as well as the most vulnerable services. In this paper is given the overview of security threats typical for the IoT and smart infrastructure systems. This overview is based on security reports published in recent two years and followed by the analyses of the biggest threats and well know incidents. Together with the overview of the security threats the approaches in their protection are presented as well.