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Venue and General information

Payment of the registration fee:

Bank account owner: Óbudai Egyetem Nonprofit Kft.
Address of account owner: Budapest 1034 Bécsi út 96/B.

Bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.
Bank account number: 11600006-00000000-20643120

IBAN: HU14 1160 0006 0000 0000
 2064 3120
In the bulletin box, mark you registered name and "ICCECIP2019", please.


Óbuda University Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Budapest, Hungary Address: Népszínház u. 8. H-1081 Budapest, Hungary

Official Language

The official languages of the Symposium are English
Abstracts should be submitted in English. Presentations should be held either in English

Oral presentation

In case a paper included in the proceedings fails to be presented at the conference, the authors will be banned from submitting papers to the conferences of the organizers in the future.

Presentations can be made by using OHP or data projector. Authors are kindly asked to provide the presentation either on CD or USB drive. It is not allowed to present the paper by using own computer.

The conference room is supplied with OHP and data projector with PC.



Free WiFi connection is available in the building of Óbuda University


As a courtesy to your colleagues, please do not smoke in the building and at the social events of the symposium.