Successes of Bánki’s students at SMART University Hackathon

Óbuda University announced a student competition in the interest of innovation and the improvement of quality of student services. The aim of the contention was that the student teams draw up solution models which can be implemented in practice about the following themes: developing online solutions supporting education: University 4.0, to lay out Digital Registrar’s Office and its services, developement of the enrollment program and create a platform for that.

A lot of applications made to the invitation, the most creative ones of them were rewarded by the reading committee with certificate and gratuity plus the committee invited the teams to the actual realisation of their idea.

It is a great honour to announce the result of the competition. 1st place goes to F5 team, members are Bence Lassu and Attila Tömör. Hereunder you can read their short introduction and some thoughts about their project:

„The topic of our application is a developement of an enrollment platform which idea mostly came from our own bad experiences. As a secondary school student it is very complicated to find a way between universities and their programmes. Onto this problem our idea maybe a solution, the main element in this is a detailed personality test, which recommending a university and an academic specialisation for the user. There will be a website too which contains all of the information about university options, it also have detailed description about enrollment, basically everything in one place. Attila and me are both learning at Bánki as mechanical engineers, our specialisation is vehicle tech. Choosing a university was slightly adventurous for both of us, that’s why we grasped this topic, we believe it so there we aren’t the only students in this situation.”

2nd place goes to Bacik team from also Bánki Faculty, the members are Éva Szőke-Tóth and Dávid Farkas. Hereunder you can read their short introduction and some thoughts about their project:

„My name is Éva Szőke-Tóth, I am a third year mechanical engineer student and working as a demonstrator at the biogas labor with associate professor Mónika Bakosné Diószegi. She found out the Hackathon and we decided that we sum up our ideas with my lab companion Dávid Farkas and we apply to the competition.”

„I am Dávid Farkas, mechanical engineer. I trampled on my last semester at Bánki when the application was announced and I worked as a laboratory technician at the biogas labor.”

„In the introduction of our application we draw up the problems of the online education, to which we would have liked finding a solution. We managed to come up with three ideas: the first one was a escape room game, we already made a test version and the students liked it, we thought that it would fit the application well. Our second idea was very similar to the first one, this was a treasure-hunter game. We tried this as well already and we believed it would be good for the application. The third ida was quite different from the first two, we came up with the idea of a studio room this time. We thought that if we developing a thing like that it may help the online education and give us a solution to the actual problems.”

Shared 3rd place goes to team Antares, members of the team is Roland János Karbovánecz and Virág Dobrádi. We asked the team to introduce themselves and share some information about their project:

Dobrádi Virág Karbovánecz RolandVirág Dobrádi:

„Currently I am a student of electrical engineering master training at Kandó Faculty, my specialisation is industrial supervision and communicational systems. Besides that I have a full time job at Antenna Hungária Zrt. Fortunately in my job I can utilise most of what I learn at the university. In my free time I like to read or playing tabletop games with my friends and I do karate-classes.”

Roland János Karbovánecz:

„I am  second-year dual traning student in mechanical engineering at Bánki also I am an economist student at Budapest Business School. My interest in education partly originates from I would like to work later as a university lecturer. Most of my time I deal with my studies, in my free time I like to play chess or hanging out with my friends, I hope so onto latter one I will have more opportunities after the pandemic.”

„We draw up a new, pedagogic approach being founded on case studies for the topic of developing online solutions supporting education. Our idea extend the prelecting, formal education and wishes to use up the advantages of the digital plan of work with the help of informatics devices already used by the university. The case studies and the problem-centered approach would help the students’ practical education and the cognition of the possible areas of application also it would fit to the Óbuda University’s reputation as well.”

Shared 3rd place also goes to team Techno-Pak, team members are: Awais Qadir and Shoaib Ali. We asked them to introduce themselves and share some information about their project:

Awais Qadir is a PhD candidate in Materials Science at the Doctoral School of Materials Sciences and Technologies at Óbuda University. His research focuses on carbon nanotubes and graphene reinforced nanomaterials. He is interested in innovative, smart materials and green ideas to shape our future. He was the team leader of Techno-Pak Team in the SMART University Hackathon.Awais QadirShoaib Ali

In this SMART University Hackathon, I liked how we can share our new ideas to find a solution and improve a current situation. As a student myself I am interested in making education better, more modern and engaging for the students. I listen online lectures regularly and had some experiences. So from this, our idea came to modernize the production of online lectures by a studio of cutting-edge technology and upload everything to one simplified and unified online platform, introducing industry 4.0

"I'm Shoaib Ali and a stipendium scholar from Pakistan, I have graduation background in computer science and travelled miles away to Hungary for exploring myself where I got a chance in research of technology at Jhon Vonn Neuman Faculty of Informatics. Being a Pakistani student here in Budapest studying Robotics and it is exciting due to the well equipped labs with robots in the Faculty that allowed me to perform experiment with the innovative ideas we have because at the end of the day you aren’t learning if you aren’t enjoying."

We congratulate all participants and all ranked ones, we are proud that superb competition essays like this were born on the competition.


The competition comes alive in the financing of a project called „2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI-ÖKO-2019-00017 Innovációs ökoszisztéma fejlesztése az Óbudai Egyetemen”. Supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.