International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection
to be held in Óbuda University
Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering
Budapest, Hungary
November 18-19, 2019.
The ICCECIP 2019 – International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection organized by V4 countries partner universities and the participants arrive from 12 countries. The conference lecturers will present their research results in the wide field of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Security Science. The sessions goals of this year's conference to focus on problems of threats to the security of Central Europe. In this year the motto “With science for peace” characterize the conference goals and topics. The ICCECIP 2019 also maintain to foster communication between researchers and engineers for working in a wide variety of research and applied science areas with a common interest. The aim objective of ICCECIP 2019 is to represent the latest research results of scientists (preferred students, PhD Students, and postdoc and young scientist) related to Critical Infrastructure Protection topics.
The same historical and cultural past of the region, which has taken a common path of development over the past centuries, links our countries and paves the way for future cooperation. The meeting will provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments and identify the future areas in this interested field. Also, the conference program covered oral presentations from scientists working in similar areas to establish a platform for collaboratíve research projects in this field.
The organizing and scientific committee of ICCECIP 2019 conference are working continuously with the relevant press editors to stand ICCECIP 2019 conference successfully.
The Chief Patron of ICCECIP 2019
Szilárd NÉMETH
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Defence,
Organizing Universities
Óbuda University Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering in Budapest, Hungary |
Óbuda University Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Hungary |
University of Žilina Faculty of Security Engineering Department of Technical Sciences and Informatics in Žilina, Slovakia |
Faculty of National Security of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland |
Partner Universities
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic |
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
National University of Kharkiv, Ukraine |
Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences, Serbia |
ICCECIP 2019 FlyerAbstract Book |
The ICCECIP 2019 website was edited by Zoltán Nyikes, PhD., nyikes [dot] zoltanuni-obuda [dot] hu ()
Conference logo was designed by Attila Molnár, attila [dot] molnarsoftpress [dot] hu ()