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1st Agria Conference on Innovative Pneumatic Vehicles – “ACIPV 2017”
May 05, 2017
Eger, Hungary
The main goal of ACIPV 2017 is to bring together the supervisors of the teams, who are taking part on the 10th International Aventics Pneumobile Competition, to present their original works and share experiences regarding all aspects of vehicle engineering sciences.
Technical Sponsor:
Aventics Hungary Kft.
Óbuda University, Institute of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering
Honorary Chairs
L. Palkovics, BUTE, Budapest
M. Réger, Óbuda University, Budapest
Honorary Committee
I. Gödri, Aventics Hungary Kft., Eger
Z. Rajnai, Óbuda University, Budapest
General Chair
L. Pokorádi, Óbuda University, Budapest
Scientific Program Committee Chair
J.Z. Szabó, Óbuda University, Budapest
Scientific Program Committee
J. Bihari University of Miskolc
Zs. Farkas Budapest University of Technology and Economics
L. Fechete, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
W. Fiebig, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
D. Fodor, University of Pannonia
Z. Forgó, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
L. Jánosi Szent István University
Gy. Juhász, University of Debrecen
L. Kelemen, University of Miskolc
M. Madissoo, Estonian University of Life Sciences
Vilnis. Pirs, Latvian University of Agriculture
K. Psiuk, Silesian University of Technology
M. Simon, Universitatea Petru Maior
T. Szabó Budapest University of Technology and Economics
T.I. Tóth University of Szeged
Organizing Committee Chair
E. Tamás, Aventics Hungary Kft., Eger
Organizing Committee
A. Kriston, Aventics Hungary Kft., Eger
F. Bolyki, Aventics Hungary Kft., Eger
Official e-mail address of the ACIPV 2017