ICCECIP 2021 international scientific conference

The ICCECIP 2021 - 3rd International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection was held this year on 15th November. This year’s conference was the third after the 2019 and 2020 ones. This event was part of the Hungarian Science Festival. It was organized by the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering of the Óbuda University, Milton Friedman University and Batthyány Lajos Foundation in a historical place of the Castle, in the Villa of Lónyai-Hatvany. The motto of this year’s conference is “Kinetic and cyber tools in the critical infrastructure protection”.

The conference chief patron in this year like in previous years was Szilárd Németh Deputy Minister of Ministry of Defence, Hungary. The conference scientific patron was Prof. Dr Miklós Maróth the President of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network who supported the conference series continuously in the last few years. The conference language was English, it was organized in a hybrid form in accordance to the recommendation of the COVID situation. On behalf of the chief patron Dr Ferenc Attila Varga colonel, Head of Department of the MOD Department of Defense Administration, Hungary held a welcome speech at the opening ceremony. He welcomed all the participants of the conference. Prof. Dr Zoltán Rajnai Honorary chair of the conference, dean of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering had greeted the conference participants in his opening remark. After it the rector of the Milton Friedman University, Dr János Perényi delivered his opening speech. The final remark of the opening ceremony was interpreted by István Pócza on behalf of the host, Batthyány Lajos Foundation.

The program continued with plenary lectures. The first plenary speaker was Prof. Dr Alexis Rusinek Attaché of the French Embassy in Budapest. He was followed by Prof. Dr Tibor Kovács associate professor of Óbuda University then Dr Kostiantyn Afanasenko associate professor of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Ukraine stood up for his presentation. The next plenary speaker was Dr Robert C. Castel the scientific associate of the Israel National Parks Authority, Israel, then the final plenary speaker was Prof. Dr Kornélia Lazányi professor of Óbuda University, who closed the plenary session with her excellent speech.

In this 1-day planned conference the organizers delivered 21 presentations included plenary speeches too, on Individual Security, Cyber Security, Physical Security and Political Security of Critical Infrastructure Protection. In the poster session, it was displayed several different research area results on eight posters. The success of the conference was confirmed by several foreign participants. Next to the hungarians there were participants from Poland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Morocco, France, Iraq, Algeria, Syria, Izrael and China. The speakers represented by 16 universities and 3 associations. The scientific results of the conference speeches and posters will be published in article form in different journals, like Defence Review, Interior Review, Military Technique, National Security Review, Military Logistic, Közelítések, Safety and Security Sciences Review, Aeronautical Science Bulletins are Hungarian scientifical journals, also the Critical Infrastructure Protection Review and Cyber Security Review British scientifical journals, the Security Engineering of Anthropogenic Objects és Rzeczocnawce/Engineering Exper Polish scientifical journal, Transactions of the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Safety Engineering Series Bohemian scientifical Journal and the European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Romanian scientifical Journal.

As part of the closing ceremony Prof Dr Zoltán Rajnai, dean of Bánki, Honorary chair of the conference in his closing speech thanked for the speakers and poster presenters, all the participants of the event and also thaned for the organizer group and he gave highlighted thanks for the organizing of the event for Dr Tunde Anna Kovacs chair of the international organization board, for Dr Zoltán Nyikes director of the international organization board and István Pócza the professional program director of the host.

The honorary chair in addition invited the participants for the fourth ICCECIP 2022 event, which will be held in November 2022 as part of the conference series.


Dr Tünde Anna Kovács
associate professor, chair of the international organization board

Dr Zoltán Nyikes
associate professor, director of the international organization board