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Venue and General Information

The conference will be held online due to the pandemic. Therefore, participation in the conference is free. Registration is required!

Venue: Lónyay-Hatvany villa, 1011 Budapest, Csónak utca 1.

Link:  in progress

Official Language

The official languages of the Symposium are English
Abstracts should be submitted in English. Presentations should be held either in English

Oral presentation

In case a paper included in the proceedings fails to be presented at the conference, the authors will be banned from submitting papers to the conferences of the organizers in the future.

Presentations can be made by using their own computer, camera and microphone. It needs to use the conference platform. You will get the website link before the conference.

Poster presentation


Required to participate:

  • Internet connection
  • Computer device / smart phone / tablet
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Speaker