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Venue and General Information

The conference will be held PRESENT FORM. Therefore, participation in the conference is free. Registration is required!


November 17th - Lónyay-Hatvany villa, 1011 Budapest, Csónak utca 1.

Gala Dinner, November 17th (18:00-21:00), Caterland, Budapest Tavaszmező u. 7.


November 18th - Óbuda University Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Budapest, Népszínház u. 8. H-1081,


Official Language

The official languages of the Symposium are English
Abstracts should be submitted in English. Presentations should be held either in English

Oral presentation

In case a paper included in the proceedings fails to be presented at the conference, the authors will be banned from submitting papers to the conferences of the organizers in the future.